Whyfi Solutions

The Credit Experts
to improve your credit ?
to fund your business ?
to travel for free ?
to improve your credit ?
to fund your business ?
Speak with us

What We Do

We are a financial education firm that specializes in credit building and optimization for individuals and businesses. We assist our clients in building personal credit, business credit, and leveraging credit lines to expand their businesses.

is the most important question?

Our mission is to equip business owners and individuals with the resources they need to meet their financial objectives.

Our Mission
Sticky notes on the wall

Our Services

Build and optimize credit as a tool for personal and professional success.
Discover the ultimate formula for increasing profitability and achieving your business objectives.
Debt is neither good nor bad; it is merely a tool for leveraging our lives and businesses. We can help you optimize this tool and achieve your life goals by providing you with our META (Most Effective Tactics Available) model.


Quotes & Mentions
“Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.”
James W. Frick”
“Frugality includes all the other virtues.”
“More people should learn to tell their dollars where to go instead of asking them where they went.”
Roger Babson
“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”
Robert Kiyosaki
“Know thy Why, Own thy Life”
“Fund your business, Fund your Life.”


My credit score has increased by 51 points in the last 3 months alone. Is it time to travel the world for free yet?
Lorena H.
Real Estate Investor
I’m glad you texted because I wanted to let you know, I paid off the last of my loan this week. Thank you so much.
Dillon F.
ER Nurse
Dude, my credit score is now 812, and Discover increased my limit to $14,000.
Haley O. 
Business Attorney
The strategies worked, we got our home refinanced at 2.7%. We are going to use the equity to build our house in Mexico. Thank you, you’re about to get more customers.
Jennifer B.
Executive Chef
Happy New Years, we got approved for the card $39,000, and no interest for 12 months. It is going to be an amazing year for our business. Thank you for your work.
Wilson C.
Cloud Service Provider
We chose the Maldives for our Honeymoon but can’t decide between the Ritz, and Waldorf. It is still unbelievable that we get all this for free. You are the best
Amia A.
Naval Photographer
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